Source code for nitransforms.nonlinear
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# See COPYING file distributed along with the NiBabel package for the
# copyright and license terms.
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"""Nonlinear transforms."""
import warnings
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
from nitransforms import io
from import _ensure_image
from nitransforms.interp.bspline import grid_bspline_weights, _cubic_bspline
from nitransforms.base import (
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
class DenseFieldTransform(TransformBase):
"""Represents dense field (voxel-wise) transforms."""
__slots__ = ("_field", "_deltas")
def __init__(self, field=None, is_deltas=True, reference=None):
Create a dense field transform.
Converting to a field of deformations is straightforward by just adding the corresponding
displacement to the :math:`(x, y, z)` coordinates of each voxel.
Numerically, deformation fields are less susceptible to rounding errors
than displacements fields.
SPM generally prefers deformations for that reason.
field : :obj:`numpy.array_like` or :obj:`nibabel.SpatialImage`
The field of deformations or displacements (*deltas*). If given as a data array,
then the reference **must** be given.
is_deltas : :obj:`bool`
Whether this is a displacements (deltas) field (default), or deformations.
reference : :obj:`ImageGrid`
Defines the domain of the transform. If not provided, the domain is defined from
the ``field`` input.
>>> DenseFieldTransform(test_dir / "someones_displacement_field.nii.gz")
<DenseFieldTransform[3D] (57, 67, 56)>
if field is None and reference is None:
raise TransformError("DenseFieldTransforms require a spatial reference")
if field is not None:
field = _ensure_image(field)
self._field = np.squeeze(
np.asanyarray(field.dataobj) if hasattr(field, "dataobj") else field
self._field = np.zeros((*reference.shape, reference.ndim), dtype="float32")
is_deltas = True
self.reference = ImageGrid(reference if reference is not None else field)
except AttributeError:
raise TransformError(
"Field must be a spatial image if reference is not provided"
if reference is None
else "Reference is not a spatial image"
if self._field.shape[-1] != self.ndim:
raise TransformError(
"The number of components of the field (%d) does not match "
"the number of dimensions (%d)" % (self._field.shape[-1], self.ndim)
if is_deltas:
self._deltas = self._field
# Convert from displacements (deltas) to deformations fields
# (just add its origin to each delta vector)
self._field += self.reference.ndcoords.T.reshape(self._field.shape)
def __repr__(self):
"""Beautify the python representation."""
return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}[{self._field.shape[-1]}D] {self._field.shape[:3]}>"
def ndim(self):
"""Get the dimensions of the transform."""
return self._field.ndim - 1
def map(self, x, inverse=False):
Apply the transformation to a list of physical coordinate points.
.. math::
\mathbf{y} = \mathbf{x} + \Delta(\mathbf{x}),
where :math:`\Delta(\mathbf{x})` is the value of the discrete field of displacements
:math:`\Delta` interpolated at the location :math:`\mathbf{x}`.
x : N x D :obj:`numpy.array_like`
Input RAS+ coordinates (i.e., physical coordinates).
inverse : :obj:`bool`
If ``True``, apply the inverse transform :math:`x = f^{-1}(y)`.
y : N x D :obj:`numpy.array_like`
Transformed (mapped) RAS+ coordinates (i.e., physical coordinates).
>>> xfm = DenseFieldTransform(
... test_dir / "someones_displacement_field.nii.gz",
... is_deltas=False,
... )
>>>[-6.5, -36., -19.5]).tolist()
[[0.0, -0.47516798973083496, 0.0]]
>>>[[-6.5, -36., -19.5], [-1., -41.5, -11.25]]).tolist()
[[0.0, -0.47516798973083496, 0.0], [0.0, -0.538356602191925, 0.0]]
>>> np.array_str(
...[[-6.7, -36.3, -19.2], [-1., -41.5, -11.25]]),
... precision=3,
... suppress_small=True,
... )
'[[ 0. -0.482 0. ]\n [ 0. -0.538 0. ]]'
>>> xfm = DenseFieldTransform(
... test_dir / "someones_displacement_field.nii.gz",
... is_deltas=True,
... )
>>>[[-6.5, -36., -19.5], [-1., -41.5, -11.25]]).tolist()
[[-6.5, -36.47516632080078, -19.5], [-1.0, -42.03835678100586, -11.25]]
>>> np.array_str(
...[[-6.7, -36.3, -19.2], [-1., -41.5, -11.25]]),
... precision=3,
... suppress_small=True,
... )
'[[ -6.7 -36.782 -19.2 ]\n [ -1. -42.038 -11.25 ]]'
if inverse is True:
raise NotImplementedError
ijk = self.reference.index(x)
indexes = np.round(ijk).astype("int")
if np.all(np.abs(ijk - indexes) < 1e-3):
indexes = tuple(tuple(i) for i in indexes)
return self._field[indexes]
new_map = np.vstack(
self._field[..., i],
for i in range(self.reference.ndim)
# Set NaN values back to the original coordinates value = no displacement
new_map[np.isnan(new_map)] = np.array(x)[np.isnan(new_map)]
return new_map
def __matmul__(self, b):
Compose with a transform on the right.
>>> deff = DenseFieldTransform(
... test_dir / "someones_displacement_field.nii.gz",
... is_deltas=False,
... )
>>> deff2 = deff @ TransformBase()
>>> deff == deff2
>>> disp = DenseFieldTransform(test_dir / "someones_displacement_field.nii.gz")
>>> disp2 = disp @ TransformBase()
>>> disp == disp2
retval =, self._field.shape[-1]))).reshape(
return DenseFieldTransform(retval, is_deltas=False, reference=self.reference)
def __eq__(self, other):
Overload equals operator.
>>> xfm1 = DenseFieldTransform(test_dir / "someones_displacement_field.nii.gz")
>>> xfm2 = DenseFieldTransform(test_dir / "someones_displacement_field.nii.gz")
>>> xfm1 == xfm2
_eq = np.array_equal(self._field, other._field)
if _eq and self._reference != other._reference:
warnings.warn("Fields are equal, but references do not match.")
return _eq
def from_filename(cls, filename, fmt="X5"):
_factory = {
"afni": io.afni.AFNIDisplacementsField,
"itk": io.itk.ITKDisplacementsField,
"fsl": io.fsl.FSLDisplacementsField,
if fmt not in _factory:
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported format <{fmt}>")
return cls(_factory[fmt].from_filename(filename))
load = DenseFieldTransform.from_filename
class BSplineFieldTransform(TransformBase):
"""Represent a nonlinear transform parameterized by BSpline basis."""
__slots__ = ["_coeffs", "_knots", "_weights", "_order", "_moving"]
def __init__(self, coefficients, reference=None, order=3):
"""Create a smooth deformation field using B-Spline basis."""
self._order = order
coefficients = _ensure_image(coefficients)
self._coeffs = np.asanyarray(coefficients.dataobj)
self._knots = ImageGrid(coefficients)
self._weights = None
if reference is not None:
self.reference = reference
if coefficients.shape[-1] != self.reference.ndim:
raise TransformError(
"Number of components of the coefficients does "
"not match the number of dimensions"
def ndim(self):
"""Get the dimensions of the transform."""
return self._coeffs.ndim - 1
def to_field(self, reference=None, dtype="float32"):
"""Generate a displacements deformation field from this B-Spline field."""
_ref = (
self.reference if reference is None else ImageGrid(_ensure_image(reference))
if _ref is None:
raise TransformError("A reference must be defined")
if self._weights is None:
self._weights = grid_bspline_weights(_ref, self._knots)
field = np.zeros((_ref.npoints, self.ndim))
for d in range(self.ndim):
# 1 x Nvox : (1 x K) @ (K x Nvox)
field[:, d] = self._coeffs[..., d].reshape(-1) @ self._weights
return DenseFieldTransform(
field.astype(dtype).reshape(*_ref.shape, -1), reference=_ref
def map(self, x, inverse=False):
Apply the transformation to a list of physical coordinate points.
.. math::
\mathbf{y} = \mathbf{x} + \Psi^3(\mathbf{k}, \mathbf{x}),
x : N x D numpy.ndarray
Input RAS+ coordinates (i.e., physical coordinates).
inverse : bool
If ``True``, apply the inverse transform :math:`x = f^{-1}(y)`.
y : N x D numpy.ndarray
Transformed (mapped) RAS+ coordinates (i.e., physical coordinates).
>>> xfm = BSplineFieldTransform(test_dir / "someones_bspline_coefficients.nii.gz")
>>> xfm.reference = test_dir / "someones_anatomy.nii.gz"
>>>[-6.5, -36., -19.5]).tolist() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[[-6.5, -31.476097418406..., -19.5]]
>>>[[-6.5, -36., -19.5], [-1., -41.5, -11.25]]).tolist() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[[-6.5, -31.4760974184..., -19.5], [-1.0, -3.807267537712..., -11.25]]
vfunc = partial(
return np.array([vfunc(_x).tolist() for _x in np.atleast_2d(x)])
def _map_xyz(x, reference, knots, coeffs):
"""Apply the transformation to just one coordinate."""
ndim = len(x)
# Calculate the index coordinates of the point in the B-Spline grid
ijk = (knots.inverse @ _as_homogeneous(x).squeeze())[:ndim]
# Determine the window within distance 2.0 (where the B-Spline is nonzero)
# Probably this will change if the order of the B-Spline is different
w_start, w_end = np.ceil(ijk - 2).astype(int), np.floor(ijk + 2).astype(int)
# Generate a grid of indexes corresponding to the window
nonzero_knots = tuple(
[np.arange(start, end + 1) for start, end in zip(w_start, w_end)]
nonzero_knots = tuple(np.meshgrid(*nonzero_knots, indexing="ij"))
window = np.array(nonzero_knots).reshape((ndim, -1))
# Calculate the distance of the location w.r.t. to all voxels in window
distance = window.T - ijk
# Since this is a grid, distance only takes a few float values
unique_d, indices = np.unique(distance.reshape(-1), return_inverse=True)
# Calculate the B-Spline weight corresponding to the distance.
# Then multiply the three weights of each knot (tensor-product B-Spline)
tensor_bspline = _cubic_bspline(unique_d)[indices].reshape(distance.shape).prod(1)
# Extract the values of the coefficients in the window
coeffs = coeffs[nonzero_knots].reshape((-1, ndim))
# Inference: the displacement is the product of coefficients x tensor-product B-Splines
return x + coeffs.T @ tensor_bspline