Source code for

"""Read/write ITK transforms."""
import warnings
import numpy as np
from import loadmat as _read_mat, savemat as _save_mat
from h5py import File as H5File
from nibabel import Nifti1Header, Nifti1Image
from nibabel.affines import from_matvec
from import (

LPS = np.diag([-1, -1, 1, 1])

[docs] class ITKLinearTransform(LinearParameters): """A string-based structure for ITK linear transforms.""" template_dtype = np.dtype( [ ("type", "i4"), ("index", "i4"), ("parameters", "f8", (4, 4)), ("offset", "f4", 3), # Center of rotation ] ) dtype = template_dtype def __init__(self, parameters=None, offset=None): """Initialize with default offset and index.""" super().__init__() self.structarr["index"] = 0 if offset is None: offset = np.zeros((3,), dtype="float") self.structarr["offset"] = offset self.structarr["parameters"] = np.eye(4) if parameters is not None: self.structarr["parameters"] = parameters def __str__(self): """Generate a string representation.""" sa = self.structarr lines = [ "#Transform {:d}".format(sa["index"]), "Transform: AffineTransform_float_3_3", "Parameters: {}".format( " ".join( [ "%g" % p for p in sa["parameters"][:3, :3].reshape(-1).tolist() + sa["parameters"][:3, 3].tolist() ] ) ), "FixedParameters: {:g} {:g} {:g}".format(*sa["offset"]), "", ] return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def to_filename(self, filename): """Store this transform to a file with the appropriate format.""" if str(filename).endswith(".mat"): sa = self.structarr affine = np.array( np.hstack( (sa["parameters"][:3, :3].reshape(-1), sa["parameters"][:3, 3]) )[..., np.newaxis], dtype="f8", ) fixed = np.array(sa["offset"][..., np.newaxis], dtype="f4") mdict = { "AffineTransform_double_3_3": affine, "fixed": fixed, } _save_mat(str(filename), mdict, format="4") return with open(str(filename), "w") as f: f.write(self.to_string())
[docs] def to_ras(self, moving=None, reference=None): """Return a nitransforms internal RAS+ matrix.""" sa = self.structarr matrix = sa["parameters"] offset = sa["offset"] c_neg = from_matvec(np.eye(3), offset * -1.0) c_pos = from_matvec(np.eye(3), offset) return
[docs] def to_string(self, banner=None): """Convert to a string directly writeable to file.""" string = "%s" if banner is None: banner = self.structarr["index"] == 0 if banner: string = "#Insight Transform File V1.0\n%s" return string % self
[docs] @classmethod def from_binary(cls, byte_stream, index=0): """Read the struct from a matlab binary file.""" mdict = _read_mat(byte_stream) return cls.from_matlab_dict(mdict, index=index)
[docs] @classmethod def from_filename(cls, filename): """Read the struct from a file given its path.""" if str(filename).endswith(".mat"): with open(str(filename), "rb") as fileobj: return cls.from_binary(fileobj) elif str(filename).endswith(".h5"): with H5File(str(filename)) as f: return cls.from_h5obj(f) with open(str(filename)) as fileobj: return cls.from_string(
[docs] @classmethod def from_fileobj(cls, fileobj, check=True): """Read the struct from a file object.""" if".mat"): return cls.from_binary(fileobj) elif".h5"): with H5File(fileobj) as f: return cls.from_h5obj(f) return cls.from_string(
[docs] @classmethod def from_matlab_dict(cls, mdict, index=0): """Read the struct from a matlab dictionary.""" tf = cls() sa = tf.structarr affine = mdict.get( "AffineTransform_double_3_3", mdict.get("AffineTransform_float_3_3") ) if affine is None: raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported transform type") sa["index"] = index parameters = np.eye(4, dtype=affine.dtype) parameters[:3, :3] = affine[:-3].reshape((3, 3)) parameters[:3, 3] = affine[-3:].flatten() sa["parameters"] = parameters sa["offset"] = mdict["fixed"].flatten() return tf
[docs] @classmethod def from_h5obj(cls, fileobj, check=True): """Read the struct from a file object.""" _xfm = ITKCompositeH5.from_h5obj( fileobj, check=check, only_linear=True, ) if not _xfm: raise TransformIOError( "Composite transform file does not contain at least one linear transform" ) elif len(_xfm) > 1: raise TransformIOError( "Composite transform file contains more than one linear transform" ) return _xfm[0]
[docs] @classmethod def from_ras(cls, ras, index=0, moving=None, reference=None): """Create an ITK affine from a nitransform's RAS+ matrix.""" tf = cls() sa = tf.structarr sa["index"] = index sa["parameters"] = return tf
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, string): """Read the struct from string.""" tf = cls() sa = tf.structarr lines = [line.strip() for line in string.splitlines() if line.strip()] if not lines or not lines[0].startswith("#"): raise TransformFileError if lines[1][0] == "#": lines = lines[1:] # Drop banner with version parameters = np.eye(4, dtype="f4") sa["index"] = int(lines[0][lines[0].index("T"):].split()[1]) sa["offset"] = np.genfromtxt( [lines[3].split(":")[-1].encode()], dtype=cls.dtype["offset"] ) vals = np.genfromtxt([lines[2].split(":")[-1].encode()], dtype="f4") parameters[:3, :3] = vals[:-3].reshape((3, 3)) parameters[:3, 3] = vals[-3:] sa["parameters"] = parameters # Try to double-dip and see if there are more transforms try: cls.from_string("\n".join(lines[4:8])) except TransformFileError: return tf else: raise TransformFileError("More than one linear transform found.")
[docs] class ITKLinearTransformArray(BaseLinearTransformList): """A string-based structure for series of ITK linear transforms.""" _inner_type = ITKLinearTransform @property def xforms(self): """Get the list of internal ITKLinearTransforms.""" return self._xforms @xforms.setter def xforms(self, value): self._xforms = list(value) for i, val in enumerate(self.xforms): val["index"] = i
[docs] def to_filename(self, filename): """Store this transform to a file with the appropriate format.""" if str(filename).endswith(".mat"): raise TransformFileError("Please use the ITK's new .h5 format.") with open(str(filename), "w") as f: f.write(self.to_string())
[docs] def to_ras(self, moving=None, reference=None): """Return a nitransforms' internal RAS matrix.""" return np.stack([xfm.to_ras() for xfm in self.xforms])
[docs] def to_string(self): """Convert to a string directly writeable to file.""" strings = [] for i, xfm in enumerate(self.xforms): xfm.structarr["index"] = i strings.append(xfm.to_string(banner=(i == 0))) return "\n".join(strings)
[docs] @classmethod def from_binary(cls, byte_stream): """Read the struct from a matlab binary file.""" raise TransformFileError("Please use the ITK's new .h5 format.")
[docs] @classmethod def from_filename(cls, filename): """Read the struct from a file given its path.""" if str(filename).endswith(".mat"): with open(str(filename), "rb") as f: return cls.from_binary(f) elif str(filename).endswith(".h5"): with H5File(str(filename)) as f: return cls.from_h5obj(f) with open(str(filename)) as f: string = return cls.from_string(string)
[docs] @classmethod def from_fileobj(cls, fileobj, check=True): """Read the struct from a file object.""" if".mat"): return cls.from_binary(fileobj) elif".h5"): with H5File(fileobj) as f: return cls.from_h5obj(f) return cls.from_string(
[docs] @classmethod def from_ras(cls, ras, moving=None, reference=None): """ Create an ITK affine from a nitransform's RAS+ matrix. The moving and reference parameters are included in this method's signature for a consistent API, but they have no effect on this particular method because ITK already uses RAS+ coordinates to describe transfroms internally. """ _self = cls() _self.xforms = [ cls._inner_type.from_ras(ras[i, ...], index=i) for i in range(ras.shape[0]) ] return _self
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, string): """Read the struct from string.""" _self = cls() lines = [line.strip() for line in string.splitlines() if line.strip()] if ( not lines or not lines[0].startswith("#") or "Insight Transform File V1.0" not in lines[0] ): raise TransformFileError("Unknown Insight Transform File format.") string = "\n".join(lines[1:]) for xfm in string.split("#")[1:]: _self.xforms.append(cls._inner_type.from_string("#%s" % xfm)) return _self
[docs] @classmethod def from_h5obj(cls, fileobj, check=True): """Read the struct from a file object.""" _self = cls() _self.xforms = ITKCompositeH5.from_h5obj( fileobj, check=check, only_linear=True, ) return _self
[docs] class ITKDisplacementsField(DisplacementsField): """A data structure representing displacements fields."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_image(cls, imgobj): """Import a displacements field from a NIfTI file.""" hdr = imgobj.header.copy() shape = hdr.get_data_shape() if len(shape) != 5 or shape[-2] != 1 or not shape[-1] in (2, 3): raise TransformFileError( 'Displacements field "%s" does not come from ITK.' % imgobj.file_map["image"].filename ) if hdr.get_intent()[0] != "vector": warnings.warn("Incorrect intent identified.") hdr.set_intent("vector") field = np.squeeze(np.asanyarray(imgobj.dataobj)) field[..., (0, 1)] *= -1.0 return imgobj.__class__(field, imgobj.affine, hdr)
[docs] @classmethod def to_image(cls, imgobj): """Export a displacements field from a nibabel object.""" hdr = imgobj.header.copy() hdr.set_intent("vector") warp_data = imgobj.get_fdata().reshape(imgobj.shape[:3] + (1, imgobj.shape[-1])) warp_data[..., (0, 1)] *= -1 return imgobj.__class__(warp_data, imgobj.affine, hdr)
[docs] class ITKCompositeH5: """A data structure for ITK's HDF5 files."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_filename(cls, filename, only_linear=False): """Read the struct from a file given its path.""" if not str(filename).endswith(".h5"): raise TransformFileError("Extension is not .h5") with H5File(str(filename)) as f: return cls.from_h5obj(f, only_linear=only_linear)
[docs] @classmethod def from_h5obj(cls, fileobj, check=True, only_linear=False): """Read the struct from a file object.""" xfm_list = [] h5group = fileobj["TransformGroup"] typo_fallback = "Transform" try: h5group["1"][f"{typo_fallback}Parameters"] except KeyError: typo_fallback = "Tranform" for xfm in list(h5group.values())[1:]: if xfm["TransformType"][0].startswith(b"AffineTransform"): _params = np.asanyarray(xfm[f"{typo_fallback}Parameters"]) xfm_list.append( ITKLinearTransform( parameters=from_matvec( _params[:-3].reshape(3, 3), _params[-3:] ), offset=np.asanyarray(xfm[f"{typo_fallback}FixedParameters"]), ) ) continue if xfm["TransformType"][0].startswith(b"DisplacementFieldTransform"): if only_linear: continue _fixed = xfm[f"{typo_fallback}FixedParameters"] shape = _fixed[:3] offset = _fixed[3:6] zooms = _fixed[6:9] directions = np.reshape(_fixed[9:], (3, 3)) affine = from_matvec(directions * zooms, offset) # ITK uses Fortran ordering, like NIfTI, but with the vector dimension first field = np.moveaxis( np.reshape( xfm[f"{typo_fallback}Parameters"], (3, *shape.astype(int)), order='F' ), 0, -1, ) field[..., (0, 1)] *= -1.0 hdr = Nifti1Header() hdr.set_intent("vector") hdr.set_data_dtype("float") xfm_list.append( Nifti1Image(field.astype("float"), LPS @ affine, hdr) ) continue raise TransformIOError( f"Unsupported transform type {xfm['TransformType'][0]}" ) return xfm_list