Source code for

"""Read/write FSL's transforms."""
import os
import warnings
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import inv
from pathlib import Path
from nibabel.affines import voxel_sizes

from .base import (

[docs] class FSLLinearTransform(LinearParameters): """A string-based structure for FSL linear transforms.""" def __str__(self): """Generate a string representation.""" lines = [ " ".join("%.08f" % col for col in row) for row in self.structarr["parameters"] ] return "\n".join(lines + [""])
[docs] def to_string(self): """Convert to a string directly writeable to file.""" return self.__str__()
[docs] @classmethod def from_ras(cls, ras, moving=None, reference=None): """Create an FSL affine from a nitransform's RAS+ matrix.""" if moving is None: warnings.warn( "[Converting FSL to RAS] moving not provided, using reference as moving" ) moving = reference if reference is None: raise TransformIOError("Cannot build FSL linear transform without a reference") reference = _ensure_image(reference) moving = _ensure_image(moving) # Adjust for reference image offset and orientation refswp, refspc = _fsl_aff_adapt(reference) pre = reference.affine @ inv(refswp @ refspc) # Adjust for moving image offset and orientation movswp, movspc = _fsl_aff_adapt(moving) post = movswp @ movspc @ inv(moving.affine) # Compose FSL transform mat = inv(np.swapaxes(post @ ras @ pre, 0, 1)) tf = cls() tf.structarr["parameters"] = mat.T return tf
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, string): """Read the struct from string.""" tf = cls() sa = tf.structarr lines = [line.strip() for line in string.splitlines() if line.strip()] if not lines or len(lines) < 4: raise TransformFileError sa["parameters"] = np.genfromtxt( ["\n".join(lines)], dtype=cls.dtype["parameters"] ) return tf
[docs] def to_ras(self, moving=None, reference=None): """Return a nitransforms internal RAS+ matrix.""" if reference is None: raise TransformIOError("Cannot build FSL linear transform without a reference") if moving is None: warnings.warn( "Converting FSL to RAS: moving image not provided, using reference." ) moving = reference reference = _ensure_image(reference) moving = _ensure_image(moving) refswp, refspc = _fsl_aff_adapt(reference) pre = refswp @ refspc @ inv(reference.affine) # Adjust for moving image offset and orientation movswp, movspc = _fsl_aff_adapt(moving) post = moving.affine @ inv(movswp @ movspc) mat = self.structarr["parameters"].T return post @ np.swapaxes(inv(mat), 0, 1) @ pre
[docs] class FSLLinearTransformArray(BaseLinearTransformList): """A string-based structure for series of FSL linear transforms.""" _inner_type = FSLLinearTransform
[docs] def to_filename(self, filename): """Store this transform to a file with the appropriate format.""" output_dir = Path(filename).parent output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) for i, xfm in enumerate(self.xforms): (output_dir / f"{filename}.{i:03d}").write_text(str(xfm))
[docs] def to_ras(self, moving=None, reference=None): """Return a nitransforms' internal RAS matrix.""" return np.stack( [xfm.to_ras(moving=moving, reference=reference) for xfm in self.xforms] )
[docs] def to_string(self): """Convert to a string directly writeable to file.""" return "\n\n".join([xfm.to_string() for xfm in self.xforms])
[docs] @classmethod def from_fileobj(cls, fileobj, check=True): """Read the struct from a file object.""" return cls.from_string(
[docs] @classmethod def from_ras(cls, ras, moving=None, reference=None): """Create an ITK affine from a nitransform's RAS+ matrix.""" _self = cls() _self.xforms = [ cls._inner_type.from_ras(ras[i, ...], moving=moving, reference=reference) for i in range(ras.shape[0]) ] return _self
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, string): """Read the struct from string.""" _self = cls() _self.xforms = [cls._inner_type.from_string(string)] return _self
[docs] @classmethod def from_filename(cls, filename): """ Read the struct from a file given its path. If the file does not exist, then indexed names with the zero-padded suffix ``.NNN`` are attempted, following FSL's MCFLIRT conventions. """ if os.path.exists(str(filename)): return super().from_filename(filename) _xforms = [] index = 0 while os.path.exists("%s.%03d" % (filename, index)): with open("%s.%03d" % (filename, index)) as f: string = _xforms.append(cls._inner_type.from_string(string)) index += 1 if index == 0: raise FileNotFoundError(str(filename)) _self = cls() _self.xforms = _xforms return _self
[docs] class FSLDisplacementsField(DisplacementsField): """A data structure representing displacements fields."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_image(cls, imgobj): """Import a displacements field from a NIfTI file.""" hdr = imgobj.header.copy() shape = hdr.get_data_shape() if len(shape) != 4 or not shape[-1] in (2, 3): raise TransformFileError( 'Displacements field "%s" does not come from FSL.' % imgobj.file_map['image'].filename) field = np.squeeze(np.asanyarray(imgobj.dataobj)) field[..., 0] *= -1.0 return imgobj.__class__(field, imgobj.affine, hdr)
[docs] @classmethod def to_image(cls, imgobj): """Export a displacements field from a nibabel object.""" hdr = imgobj.header.copy() warp_data = imgobj.get_fdata() warp_data[..., 0] *= -1 return imgobj.__class__(warp_data, imgobj.affine, hdr)
def _fsl_aff_adapt(space): """ Adapt FSL affines. Calculates a matrix to convert from the original RAS image coordinates to FSL's internal coordinate system of transforms """ aff = space.affine zooms = list(voxel_sizes(aff)) + [1] swp = np.eye(4) if np.linalg.det(aff) > 0: swp[0, 0] = -1.0 swp[0, 3] = (space.shape[0] - 1) * zooms[0] return swp, np.diag(zooms)