Source code for

"""Read/write AFNI's transforms."""
from math import pi
import numpy as np
from nibabel.affines import (

from .base import (

LPS = np.diag([-1, -1, 1, 1])

[docs]class AFNILinearTransform(LinearParameters): """A string-based structure for AFNI linear transforms.""" def __str__(self): """Generate a string representation.""" param = self.structarr["parameters"] return "\t".join(["%g" % p for p in param[:3, :].reshape(-1)])
[docs] def to_string(self, banner=True): """Convert to a string directly writeable to file.""" string = "%s\n" % self if banner: string = "\n".join( ("# 3dvolreg matrices (DICOM-to-DICOM, row-by-row):", string) ) return string % self
[docs] @classmethod def from_ras(cls, ras, moving=None, reference=None): """Create an AFNI affine from a nitransform's RAS+ matrix. AFNI implicitly de-obliques image affine matrices before applying transforms, so for consistency we update the transform to account for the obliquity of the images. .. testsetup: >>> import pytest >>> pytest.skip() >>> moving.affine == ras @ reference.affine We can decompose the affines into oblique and de-obliqued components: >>> moving.affine == m_obl @ m_deobl >>> reference.affine == r_obl @ r_deobl To generate an equivalent AFNI transform, we need an effective transform (``e_ras``): >>> m_obl @ m_deobl == ras @ r_obl @ r_deobl >>> m_deobl == inv(m_obl) @ ras @ r_obl @ r_deobl Hence, >>> m_deobl == e_ras @ r_deobl >>> e_ras == inv(m_obl) @ ras @ r_obl """ # swapaxes is necessary, as axis 0 encodes series of transforms reference = _ensure_image(reference) if reference is not None and _is_oblique(reference.affine): ras = ras @ _cardinal_rotation(reference.affine, False) moving = _ensure_image(moving) if moving is not None and _is_oblique(moving.affine): ras = _cardinal_rotation(moving.affine, True) @ ras # AFNI represents affine transformations as LPS-to-LPS parameters = np.swapaxes(LPS @ ras @ LPS, 0, 1) tf = cls() tf.structarr["parameters"] = parameters.T return tf
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, string): """Read the struct from string.""" tf = cls() sa = tf.structarr lines = [ line for line in string.splitlines() if line.strip() and not (line.startswith("#") or "3dvolreg matrices" in line) ] if not lines: raise TransformFileError try: parameters = np.vstack( ( np.genfromtxt([lines[0].encode()], dtype="f8").reshape((3, 4)), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), ) ) except ValueError as e: raise TransformFileError from e sa["parameters"] = parameters return tf
[docs] def to_ras(self, moving=None, reference=None): """Return a nitransforms internal RAS+ matrix.""" # swapaxes is necessary, as axis 0 encodes series of transforms retval = LPS @ np.swapaxes(self.structarr["parameters"].T, 0, 1) @ LPS reference = _ensure_image(reference) if reference is not None and _is_oblique(reference.affine): retval = retval @ _cardinal_rotation(reference.affine, True) moving = _ensure_image(moving) if moving is not None and _is_oblique(moving.affine): retval = _cardinal_rotation(moving.affine, False) @ retval return retval
[docs]class AFNILinearTransformArray(BaseLinearTransformList): """A string-based structure for series of AFNI linear transforms.""" _inner_type = AFNILinearTransform
[docs] def to_ras(self, moving=None, reference=None): """Return a nitransforms' internal RAS matrix.""" pre_rotation = post_rotation = np.eye(4) if reference is not None and _is_oblique(ref_aff := _ensure_image(reference).affine): pre_rotation = _cardinal_rotation(ref_aff, True) if moving is not None and _is_oblique(mov_aff := _ensure_image(moving).affine): post_rotation = _cardinal_rotation(mov_aff, False) return np.stack([ post_rotation @ (xfm.to_ras() @ pre_rotation) for xfm in self.xforms ])
[docs] def to_string(self): """Convert to a string directly writeable to file.""" strings = [] for i, xfm in enumerate(self.xforms): lines = [ line.strip() for line in xfm.to_string(banner=(i == 0)).splitlines() if line.strip() ] strings += lines return "\n".join(strings + [""])
[docs] @classmethod def from_ras(cls, ras, moving=None, reference=None): """Create an ITK affine from a nitransform's RAS+ matrix.""" _self = cls() pre_rotation = post_rotation = np.eye(4) if reference is not None and _is_oblique(ref_aff := _ensure_image(reference).affine): pre_rotation = _cardinal_rotation(ref_aff, False) if moving is not None and _is_oblique(mov_aff := _ensure_image(moving).affine): post_rotation = _cardinal_rotation(mov_aff, True) _self.xforms = [ cls._inner_type.from_ras(post_rotation @ ras[i, ...] @ pre_rotation) for i in range(ras.shape[0]) ] return _self
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, string): """Read the struct from string.""" _self = cls() lines = [ line.strip() for line in string.splitlines() if line.strip() and not line.startswith("#") ] if not lines: raise TransformFileError("Input string is empty.") _self.xforms = [cls._inner_type.from_string(line) for line in lines] return _self
[docs]class AFNIDisplacementsField(DisplacementsField): """A data structure representing displacements fields."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_image(cls, imgobj): """Import a displacements field from a NIfTI file.""" hdr = imgobj.header.copy() shape = hdr.get_data_shape() if len(shape) != 5 or shape[-2] != 1 or not shape[-1] in (2, 3): raise TransformFileError( 'Displacements field "%s" does not come from AFNI.' % imgobj.file_map["image"].filename ) field = np.squeeze(np.asanyarray(imgobj.dataobj)) field[..., (0, 1)] *= -1.0 return imgobj.__class__(field, imgobj.affine, hdr)
[docs] @classmethod def to_image(cls, imgobj): """Export a displacements field from a nibabel object.""" hdr = imgobj.header.copy() warp_data = imgobj.get_fdata().reshape(imgobj.shape[:3] + (1, imgobj.shape[-1])) warp_data[..., (0, 1)] *= -1 return imgobj.__class__(warp_data, imgobj.affine, hdr)
def _is_oblique(affine, thres=OBLIQUITY_THRESHOLD_DEG): """ Determine whether the dataset is oblique. Examples -------- >>> _is_oblique(np.eye(4)) False >>> _is_oblique(nb.affines.from_matvec( ... nb.eulerangles.euler2mat(x=0.9, y=0.001, z=0.001), ... [4.0, 2.0, -1.0], ... )) True """ return (obliquity(affine).max() * 180 / pi) > thres def _afni_deobliqued_grid(oblique, shape): """ Calculate AFNI's target deobliqued image grid. Maps the eight images corners to the new coordinate system to ensure coverage of the full extent after rotation, as AFNI does. See also -------- Parameters ---------- oblique : 4x4 numpy.array affine that is not aligned to the cardinal axes. shape : numpy.array sizes of the (oblique) image grid Returns ------- affine : 4x4 numpy.array plumb affine (i.e., aligned to the cardinal axes). shape : numpy.array sizes of the target, plumb image grid """ shape = np.array(shape[:3]) vs = voxel_sizes(oblique) # Calculate new shape of deobliqued grid corners_ijk = ( np.array( [ (i, j, k) for k in (0, shape[2]) for j in (0, shape[1]) for i in (0, shape[0]) ] ) - 0.5 ) corners_xyz = oblique @ np.hstack((corners_ijk, np.ones((len(corners_ijk), 1)))).T extent = corners_xyz.min(1)[:3], corners_xyz.max(1)[:3] nshape = ((extent[1] - extent[0]) / vs + 0.999).astype(int) # AFNI deobliqued target will be in LPS+ orientation plumb = LPS * ([vs.min()] * 3 + [1.0]) # Coordinates of center voxel do not change obliq_c = oblique @ np.hstack((0.5 * (shape - 1), 1.0)) plumb_c = plumb @ np.hstack((0.5 * (nshape - 1), 1.0)) # Rebase the origin of the new, plumb affine plumb[:3, 3] -= plumb_c[:3] - obliq_c[:3] return plumb, nshape def _dicom_real_to_card(oblique): """ Calculate the corresponding "DICOM cardinal" for "DICOM real" (AFNI jargon). Implements the internal "deobliquing" operation of ``3drefit`` and other tools, which just *drop* the obliquity from the input affine. Parameters ---------- oblique : 4x4 numpy.array affine that may not be aligned to the cardinal axes ("IJK_DICOM_REAL" for AFNI). Returns ------- plumb : 4x4 numpy.array affine aligned to the cardinal axes ("IJK_DICOM_CARD" for AFNI). """ # Origin is kept from input retval = np.eye(4) retval[:3, 3] = oblique[:3, 3] # Calculate director cosines and project to closest canonical cosines = oblique[:3, :3] / np.abs(oblique[:3, :3]).max(0) cosines[np.abs(cosines) < 1.0] = 0 # Once director cosines are calculated, scale by voxel sizes retval[:3, :3] = np.round(voxel_sizes(oblique), decimals=4) * cosines return retval def _cardinal_rotation(oblique, real_to_card=True): """ Calculate the rotation matrix to undo AFNI's deoblique operation. Parameters ---------- oblique : 4x4 numpy.array affine that may not be aligned to the cardinal axes ("IJK_DICOM_REAL" for AFNI). Returns ------- plumb : 4x4 numpy.array affine aligned to the cardinal axes ("IJK_DICOM_CARD" for AFNI). """ card = _dicom_real_to_card(oblique) return ( card @ np.linalg.inv(oblique) if real_to_card else oblique @ np.linalg.inv(card) ) def _afni_warpdrive(oblique, forward=True): """ Calculate AFNI's ``WARPDRIVE_MATVEC_FOR_000000`` (de)obliquing affine. Parameters ---------- oblique : 4x4 numpy.array affine that is not aligned to the cardinal axes. forward : :obj:`bool` Returns the forward transformation if True, i.e., the matrix to convert an oblique affine into an AFNI's plumb (if ``True``) or viceversa plumb -> oblique (if ``false``). Returns ------- warpdrive : 4x4 numpy.array AFNI's *warpdrive* forward or inverse matrix. """ ijk_to_dicom_real = np.diag(LPS) * oblique ijk_to_dicom = _dicom_real_to_card(oblique) R = np.linalg.inv(ijk_to_dicom) @ ijk_to_dicom_real return np.linalg.inv(R) if forward else R def _afni_header(nii, field="WARPDRIVE_MATVEC_FOR_000000", to_ras=False): from lxml import etree root = etree.fromstring(nii.header.extensions[0].get_content().decode()) retval = np.fromstring( root.find(f".//*[@atr_name='{field}']").text, sep="\n", dtype="float32" ) if retval.size == 12: retval = np.vstack((retval.reshape((3, 4)), (0, 0, 0, 1))) if to_ras: retval = LPS @ retval @ LPS return retval